Born Tough and Elite Sports Product Reviews

I was stoked to receive my shipment of new Born Tough and Elite Sports apparel in my mailbox the other day! After all, new workout clothes are absolutely anabolic, right?

So off to West Coast Iron we go!


I usually don’t train with sleeves (no particular reason – when I was a teen, I started training in sleeveless shirts, and simple never grew out of that habit) so training in long sleeves was a complete 180 for me. But I definitely see the appeal now! I was much warmer at the start of my workout (these Canadian winters are no joke sometimes) and honestly, my arms aren’t really much to write home about. I’m trying though!!

I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable this shirt was – it carried me through a killer back workout, the sleeves weren’t distracting in the slightest, it’s stylish, and hey, I even got unsolicited compliments on it. And those are anabolic too!

Here’s a link to the exact shirt:

And here are a couple links to check out the rest of their collection:


Trading in my normal pink Lulu’s today for something a little more hardcore! (Ok fine, I only actually have one pair of those, but you get the idea)

Gonna train in some sick BJJ shorts today! Regardless of my pro wrestling background, this is probably the closest I’m going to get to a fight anytime soon. And don’t be challenging me in the comments either, ok?!

I dig the look, I dig the feel, and really, I dig the whole aesthetic! They were perfect for a brutal workout, and I’m excited to give these a go during an upcoming wrestling practice!

Here’s the link to the exact shorts:

And a couple more links to check out everything else!

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